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The Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival at the Basilica of our Lady (Jasna Góra Monastery), the National Agricultural Exhibition and the European Days of Folk Culture in Avenues dominated the last weekend of September in Częstochowa.

There were in the III Avenue stalls with organic food, iteams, cheese, amber jewellery and handicrafts. On Saturday and Sunday the members of the National Agricultural Exhibition appeared next to the stalls. Like every year modern machines were displayed in the middle of the Avenues and people could see ornamental birds in front of Sienkiewicz High School. The art Gallery held Częstochowa's Day of Bread and seminar on healthy food. The highlight of the day was the competition for households preserving Śląsk's cooking tradition. On Saturday’s noon one of the 38 delicacies received an award for the best regional product. The nationwide pilgrimage of farmers came to Jasna Góra Monastery to thank God for this year’s crops. The main point of the festival was Sunday's Mass in front of the Hill, which at 11 o'clock abp Józef Michalik celebrated. Priests blessed farm produce which was brought by farmers.