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The interview with Łukasz

Today we are going to interview our friend from the Young reporters team, Łukasz who wants to be a musician.

I: What is the name of your band, Łukasz?

My band is called "Ekspres". We can read this name in many ways for example, ekspres in Polish means a very fast train, this speed you can find in my rhymes and the way how I try to rap them. But in fact, the name "Ekspres" is a shortcut from a word "Ekspresja" -  in English "Expression".
I: What kind of music do you play?


I: What do you do in the band?

I make my music myself. My job is also writing lyrics and recording. I have some friends who are interested in music just like me. We work together .One year ago I met one man from Holland who makes  hip-hop. He is making a lot of tracks for me.

I: How long have you been playing in your band?

It’s four years.

I: What was your best performance?

I think  it was one of my concerts. I was supporting a famous Polish rap group "Mor Wa". The concert took place in Częstochowa last summer. Mor Wa is one of my favourite rap bands and playing together was a really exciting experience.

I: What are your plans for the future?

In 2005 I made a  record called "Ekspres - Więcej Stylu". In  2006 I’m planning to make the next one. I also hope  to make some new contacts and continue writing lyrics.

I: I wish you good luck this year.

Thanks a lot.